SD-WAN is a software defined technique employed n managing your the WAN.
In the SD-WAN system, the network connectivity is managed by software instead of manually monitoring the network traffic.
The main advantages include:
Cost reduction
transport independent across MPLS, 4G/5G, and LTE connection types.
Application performance and agility improvement
User experience optimization
Efficiency of software-as-a-service
Public-cloud applications
Automation with Simplified operations
These days whether small or enterprise are investing their time to put down the overall infrastructure cost. This is
achieved by moving to “software-service” model which essentially depend on cloud based servers. The expensive servers
at clients weren’t capable enough to support ever growing user needs. Consequently as businesses depend on cloud,
the network management will have greater responsibility to protect data.
SD-WAN Approach
SD-WAN is the new WAN to meet the IT challenges today. With minimal operational cost SD-WAN can be implemented for
multiple deployments with better efficiency in bandwidth usage without having to worry about the security.